Decoding parameters and statuses of main requests

To use the API special data is required, in particular the partner code and secret key (provided by us), which will be used to generate an md5 hash (the hashed string of transmitted parameters is needed to check the integrity of the transmitted data and check for security). You also need to send short fare values in the request (provided by us).

Getting data for access to a VPS-server after its lease –


  • The rate parameter is the rate. Possible values — each partner has its own rates, for example: singapore, france_classic, france_mini.
  • The term parameter is the lease term. Possible values— 1, 3, 6, 9, 12.
  • The partner_code parameter is the partner code. Possible values — 1880 (for each partner, a unique one is provided by us).
  • The client_id parameter is the client ID. Possible values are ID16773 (a unique numeric value).
  • Hash parameter-md5 hash. Possible values are the generated md5 hash for a description of how to generate an md5 hash, see here.

The reply status:

Code 200 — VPS-server provided successfully. Sample response:

Json with VPS-server data:

ip —
port — 8015
login — Admin
password – 4iJtCt7
created_at – 01.07.2020
end_at – 02.08.2020
rate – france_classic
client_id – ID16773
server_id — ID16773

  • Code 202 — the VPS-server is being prepared for delivery, and data will be provided as soon as the VPS is created. To get data for access to the VPS-server after its lease later, the partner must make a handler on its side for receiving deferred requests. Read more here. The answer is order created, access to the server will be provided during the day.
  • Code 400 — invalid parameters were passed. The response is a message describing the error.
  • Code 403 — an invalid md5 hash was passed, or the request could not be executed. The response is a message describing the error.
  • Code 500 — internal server error, you need to contact technical support. The response is internal error.

After receiving a successful response, you need to save the received VPS-server data in the database for further use, or issue the operation status to the client about the successful issue of the VPS-server.

The extension of the server –


  • The term parameter is the lease term. Possible values— 1, 3, 6, 9, 12.
  • The partner_code parameter is the partner code. Possible values — 1880 (for each partner, a unique one is provided by us).
  • The client_id parameter is the client ID. Possible values are ID16773 (a unique numeric value).
  • The hash parameter is an md5 hash. Possible values are the generated md5 hash, for a description of how to generate an md5 hash, see here.

Response statuses:

– Code 200 – VPS server extended successfully. Sample response:

Json with the end date of the VPS-server lease:

end_at – 02.08.2020

  • Code 400 — invalid parameters were passed. The response is a message describing the error.
  • Code 403 — an invalid md5 hash was passed, or the request could not be executed. The response is a message describing the error.
  • Code 500 — internal server error, you need to contact technical support. The response is internal error.

After receiving a successful response, you need to update the VPS-server data, specifically the end date of the server. Or, if an error occurred, issue an error message to the client.


Server recall –


  • The server_id parameter is the server ID. Possible values are ID16773 (we provide a unique one for each VPS).
  • The partner_code parameter is the partner code. Possible values — 1880 (for each partner, a unique one is provided by us).
  • The hash parameter is an md5 hash. Possible values are the generated md5 hash. for a description of how to generate an md5 hash, see here.

Response statuses:

  • Code 200 — the request for review was created successfully. The answer is 1.
  • Code 400 — invalid parameters were passed. The response is a message describing the error.
  • Code 403 — an invalid md5 hash was passed, or the request could not be executed. The response is a message describing the error.
  • Code 500 — internal server error, you need to contact technical support. The response is internal error.

After receiving a successful response, you need to delete the VPS-server in the database, if an error occurred, issue an error message to the client.

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