What is a VPS-server, and why is it needed in Forex
A VPS-server is a virtual part of a powerful server located in a data center, dedicated for remote management to the user. As a rule, the computing power of a VPS is several times greater than the power of a personal computer.
The user, having decided on the necessary resources for solving the tasks, can specify or choose:
- VPS-server performance, disk space size, RAM;
- bandwidth (internet speed).
This service is primarily in demand by various sites and cloud services to distribute the load from the influx of visitors. Additionally, the owners solve the problem of hosting administration and maintenance – such services are provided by the company that owns the servers.
Retailers, banks, stock exchanges, brokers engaged in e-commerce, where it is impossible to predict the peak load, rent physical devices instead of a VPS-server or connect their own capacities. Data centers rent out space to such clients, provide a reliable Internet connection and technical support service.
VPS on Forex appeared as an additional service, a marketing move that distinguishes a brokerage company. In fact, the broker rents out part of the “free” servers to its own clients or subleases them. The company independently shared the resources of the physical server, giving the trader access only to remote account management. The main trading platform for trading – the MetaTrader, due to its unpretentiousness, did not require a large amount of virtual space, high capacities or a wide bandwidth of Internet access, which made the VPS-server for Forex service popular among traders. Traders fully appreciated the advantages of Forex VPS with the development of algotrading. Automation of trading with the help of expert advisors required an uninterrupted Internet, since the robot “lost contact” with positions during breaks.
Having launched the Forex trading algosystem on the VPS-server, the trader:
- I traded 24 hours a day;
- I avoided manual intervention because of “overlaps” with the Internet.
The trading platform located on the Forex VPS was no longer dependent on the quality of communication services from the provider, a virus threat, problems with the computer or the power grid and was remotely accessible from any device anywhere in the world.
Previously, many traders did not use VPS on Forex due to the weak development of algorithmic trading, preferring “manual trading” to it, due to the impossibility of automating a number of conditions. Modern programs have significantly expanded the tools that take into account implicit logic or “unraveling” candlestick patterns, etc.
The evolution of trading has led to the emergence of trading platforms with programming languages that go beyond Boolean logic. Neural networks, whose indicators use artificial intelligence, have appeared and are widely used in the currency, financial and commodity markets.
Now a VPS-server for Forex is becoming a necessity, not only in real trading – tests of highly parametric indicators for large historical periods go beyond the capabilities of personal computers. I trade through a VPS-server on Forex, a trader needs a smartphone to monitor the account status and make operational adjustments.
Of course, the future of trading lies in automation, thousands of traders are already using VPS-servers for Forex and have not touched robots for months, conducting only planned quarterly optimization tests.
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